Wednesday, 29 November 2017

Electronics Technology 🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄

This is what we made in tech this term, it's a buzzer, it's quite loud and sort of sounds like a bee. We made this during electronics tech with our new tech teacher Mr V. because Mrs Houghton is moving to another school to teach. Farewell Mrs Houghton if you ever read this. To do this we had to solder it and cut wires all sorts of stuff that is definitely not up my alley. The boys seemed to enjoy it a lot more than the girls. I can't believe that there is only a few weeks left of the year, this year went so fast.

🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄 🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄

Thursday, 2 November 2017

I just discovered you can use emojis on blogger


Forensic Science Presentation

Today we had two detectives school to talk to Nepia house about forensics. Some things that they talked about where they get information about babies from Wellington and they get information about adults from Palmerston North. They also told us that they can trace back from a bullet that has been shot all the way back to the shop it was bought from. They also have to be really sure that someone did a crime before they can take it to court. The jury these days expect evidence in a few hours, they expect this because of C.S.I, the american T.V show. It is also very expensive to get a D.N.A sample which they have to get from Wellington because we do not have one in Hawkes Bay, the amount that it costs to get the D.N.A processed is around $600.

Wednesday, 1 November 2017

My Artwork!!!

I have been working on this artwork for a few days!!!

Monday, 30 October 2017

Picture for the writing

This is the picture that I chose to write about

My First Encounter

I walked through a beautiful field with wondrously colorful flowers the path wound around the bend as I slowly turned to meet the path. Around the corner was the most enormous tree I had been there many times before in the cool fresh air from the willow tree. I walked around the tree as I did as usual on my saturday 10:00am stroll through the forest. Today was just as normal as always until…

I walked around the tree expecting to find within my imagination a fairy door or an entrance to the tree through a hollow cutten branch, as usual today I looked and saw a fairy door. I pretended to open it I actually tugged on it slightly I then started to walk back home but turned one last time before leaving to have a quick glance...

My mouth was fell open in awe. There really was a fairy door and I had actually opened it. Suddenly glitter exploded from the door right at me I screamed in shock and somehow I had just become tiny.

I decided that I had to make a decision then and there what was I going to do, was I to go home and hope my parents would see me, but they might not, I might be too small for them to see me,
“what should I do?” I squeaked
“I know what I am going to do” I whispered.
As expected I am sure I sprinted into the door so fast I almost missed the door.

Seconds later my head throbbed with pain, I was in some weird place there was a sign which read, Tinker Town. I was confused I didn’t know what to do. Then a woman with wings came over to say;
“Are you okay darling?” she said warmly.
“Where am I?” I somehow managed to whisper,
“Hon you’re in Tinker Town didn’t you see the sign… wait… are you… human?” She sounded scared and worried for me. All I could do was nod my head she gasped.
“How did you get here?”
“A door”
“Oh dear Fairy Maribelle must have accidentally left the door open again”.
“What’s your name sweetie?”
“I’m Tara.”
“Well Tara it’s lovely to meet you I’m Fairy Beatrice you need to leave this land now exit out through the tree I need to come out with you to erase your memory of this ever happening I am so sorry this has to happen to you but it’s for your own good.”

“Okay I think I’m ready.”
“Good just stand still this won’t hurt a bit.”

I walked back not dearing to take a second glance incase my imagination failed me the second time I walked all the way back to my home where my mother awaited my return.

By: Jess

Monday, 28 August 2017

Something I'm Working On

William shakespeare was a man with brilliant ideas to bring movies to life he also created some scripts to the most amazing movies and plays ever, he even created his own language named shakespearean. The different movies that used the shakespearean language are: House of Cards',  'Richard III, Sons of Anarchy', Hamlet, Rise of the planet apes, Julius Caesar, Gnomeo Juliet, Shakespeare in love, Lion king , Blue oyster cuts and many more.

This is for my passion project about Drama and Acting!!!


My mihi took like 6 tries to get right I kept saying the wrong word on accident whoops!!!

Nga Mihi

 Nga Mihi
Tihe mauri ora
Ko Tukitimu te waka
Ko te mata te maunga  
Ko tuki tuki te awa
Ko Nicholas toku papa
Ko Samantha toku mama
Ko maungawharo te kura
No Havelock North Ahuriri
Ko Jessica Gonscak toku ingoa
Tena Koutou Tena Koutou Tena Koutou Katoa

Video Of Nga Mihi

First Post In August

Last week we had our cross country and I came 64th so close to 63rd. Last week we also started puberty lessons sponsored by U. In class we have been learning about multiplying fractions and adding fractions to. We even had a student in our class from china for a month to discover what it is like to live here in New Zealand they found a lot of things weird like how it's free to go to beautiful places and also how we don't eat with chopsticks and other things like it it's been so exciting this few months.

Thursday, 22 June 2017


The Rejection Song - I Got Rejected LYRICS (Jimmy XC) - YouTube

Check Out this link to a song called rejected!!! 
Today in literacy we were finding out about embarrassment. 

Monday, 13 March 2017


Today we had our second lesson of mandarin with Tracey our lao shi (teacher) we had so much fun last week learning words this week we made name cards I now know how to spell my name in chinese.

This is how you traditionally write my name. 傑西卡

This is how I wrote my name simplified. 杰西卡

Tuesday, 6 December 2016

Tech Goal

I have finished my technology goal it was to make a light that will stay on for a period of time and that will be able to turn on in a power outage and stay on in the rain and be durable.

I think I have accomplished this.

Thursday, 1 December 2016

Grandfather Clock

This was my maths this week we mad a grandfather clock.

Wednesday, 23 November 2016

Technology Today


Image result for under construction coming soonYesterday I started drilling holes and putting in the LED's.

Tuesday, 22 November 2016

Monday, 21 November 2016

Rata And The Totara

Rata And The Totara

One day in a village near the big totara tree. Rata’s mother told him that he must go and make a waka out of the great totara tree and find out about his father’s murder. Early the next morning he went to chop down the totara tree he finished and it was late and he decided to carve it out the next day. When Rata had gone home the birds and insects put it back together. When Rata went back the next day he was annoyed and angry that he had to chop it down again this happened the next night aswell but he had started to carve out the waka the birds fixed the great totara once again he started to cut down the tree once more when it got too dark to continue he hid behind a bush to see what happened and sure enough the birds and insects came out Rata demanded an explanation they told him that he had not asked permission from tanemahuta to cut it down Rata asked him and the forest went silent he thanked tanemahuta and said to the birds and insects I will do it tomorrow they insisted that they would do it for him when Rata woke he saw a beautifully carved waka then he set off on his journey. Tiakina nga manu, ka ora te ngahere. Ka ora te ngahere, ka ora nga manu. Look after the birds and the forest flourishes. If the flourishes, the birds flourish.     

   Bye from

Friday, 18 November 2016



It's week 6 it's been a whole week already wow has it felt like a long year or a short year what do you think? I think I've had a long day I've had a short year I'm tired 

Who here has heard of little Kelly Little Carly and the rest of the Little Club

I love Little Kelly and Little Carly they are so nice so cool and my fav youtubers ever I love you guys. 

Bye For Now. :D

High Expectations

This is my writing test for term 4 hope you like it
By: Jess

High Expectations
I’ll never forget the time, I was 5 turning 6 I was cute and little, my life had only begun. My first few weeks at Lucknow school were fun it was two o’clock in the afternoon on a wednesday which meant it was art time.

My teacher Mrs Bookhaust, was talking I could barely hear her, my thoughts were drowning her out. I was thinking about what I was going to draw then it hit me.

Mrs Bookhaust wandered around the room giving out pieces of paper they were A3 size sheets of paper, They smelt of bleach. Then Mrs Bookhaust came around again this time she was handing out newspaper, then she came round for the third and final time giving us each a sharpie to draw with.

This time my ears were tuned in whakarongo mai the teacher said, which means listen up it’s how she got our attention. She shouted so everyone could hear her,  we needed to get an apron from the cupboard. I quickly tiptoed over and picked out a red apron to wear it smelt of paint and felt as hard as crayons but it would do besides I was only 5 not that I cared about my appearance very much then. I jolted across the room back to my seat to sit down.

I plunked down into my chair it was as hard as rock. I picked up my sharpie and struggled to pull off the lid, then I moved the sharpie so that the tip of it was face down touching the paper. I moved it up down side to side all around and down again.

“Beautiful” I exclaimed so proud of my artwork that I went to show Mrs Bookhaust she whispered “darling why did you draw a scribble”. My heart sunk I was so upset how could she not see I felt embarrassed and upset that she couldn’t tell what my drawing was.

Then I took a deep breath and said “it was a ballerina” “Oh of course silly me” she said “it is a ballerina”
I smiled my genuine smile. “Do you like it” I said “it’s for you” I gleefully exclaimed
“I love it” she said I felt a warmth suddenly enter me my heart reinflated my belief was brought back to life and a sense of pride entered me.     


Friday, 11 November 2016



The Production is called the button box it is about a grandma and a grandpa who have their 4 grandchildren visiting them and it starts raining then they want to hear the stories that all of the buttons have, each 1 has it's own I will only name a few of them 1 is Star Wars 1 is about an elephant 1 is a chocolate button that reminds grandad of a movie they went to see a while ago which was charlie and the chocolate factory the scene for that is when they are on willy wonka's yot but I don't want to spoil anything else. 

So goodbye for now!  


Friday already wow this week is going fast,
Wow week 5 already this term is going fast,
Wow term 4 already this year is going fast,

This week we were doing picasso artwork and we had to draw a face that was 1/2 portfolio and 1/2 portrait then we decided if we wanted hot or cold colors inside the face. If we had hot colors on the inside then we had to have cold colors on the outside.

Monday, 7 November 2016

Who is the winner

Ko wai te toa? meaning Who is the winner?

He pai ki au te haupoi (hockey)   He pai ki au te tenehi (tennisHe pai ki au te taka porepore (gymnastics)

He pai ki au te means: I like to play.

Thursday, 27 October 2016

Mama Mia meal pizza.

Yum!!! that's all I can say as well as fun. :D !!!

Birthday party

Hey guys guess what on wednesday it was my birthday that's right I'm 12 years old now!!!

This weekend I'm having my sleepover party there is 6 girls coming over!!! 

Tonight I'm going to Gengy's in hastings with my dad or my birthday!!! 

Tuesday, 18 October 2016

Get ready for a disaster

 Get ready get thru website

Get Ready Get Thru 

Check out the checklist 

New Tech class first day Get ready get thru learning.

Technology Learning About Disasters. 

I need a torch in my Emergency kit. I'm going to learn about circuits and use the tech process to design and make one for my bedroom. 

Get Ready Get Thru. 

Image result for Get ready get thru

Friday, 14 October 2016

The water cycle

The Water Cycle

I am going to explain to you how our water cycle works. There are different parts of the water cycle that do different things to the water.

Water can be from anywhere it all goes through the water cycle. The water can come from the sea, streams, rivers and lakes.  

The water starts to warm up because of the rays of sun that then causes it to evaporate evaporation is when the water turns into steam. The steam fog or mist then goes to the clouds.

There is also transpiration which is where the moisture from plants goes to the sky and up into the clouds it basically sucks them dry.  

After the water has gone to the clouds it sits there and condensates. Condensation is when the steam fog or mist turns into a liquid known as h2o or water.

Then the h2o or water can come down in multiple forms. The forms are: rain, sleet, snow and hail. This is called precipitation.

This repeats forever, it has already been happening for trillions of years without people knowing. Just because you can't see it dosen't mean it isn't happening this is how the water cycle works and will be the way it works for years to come.      

Image result for pics of the water cycle
Here is a cool link to a song we listened to in class we think it's really funny it teaches you about the water cycle. 

Tuesday, 20 September 2016

Lickity Split

Lickity Split


Jess Gonscak

Key Attribute 1: Appearance and respecting the type of shop, by making it go with the rest of the van, also to be relevant to the van.    

Key Attribute 2: Name Easy to read, relevant to the company or shop, big and bold.

Key Attribute 3: Colors big, bold, matching, clear, easy to see, not use too many different colors, make it look cool by using specified color schemes.    

Friday, 9 September 2016

I'm tired

Guys I pooped I just want to sleep when I get home straight to bed!!!

Art this week

This week we did maori designs for art it was a lot of fun

Your faithful friend Jess

Thursday, 8 September 2016

Math activity

By Jess

We made graphs of every ones favourite things these are favourite drinks