Tuesday, 20 September 2016

Lickity Split

Lickity Split


Jess Gonscak

Key Attribute 1: Appearance and respecting the type of shop, by making it go with the rest of the van, also to be relevant to the van.    

Key Attribute 2: Name Easy to read, relevant to the company or shop, big and bold.

Key Attribute 3: Colors big, bold, matching, clear, easy to see, not use too many different colors, make it look cool by using specified color schemes.    


  1. This took me so long to do we went through several stages before this it took 8 weeks planing and other stuff we did this at technology which is design technology few were finished that was hard work.

    To all people who like this post see U later.


  2. Lickity Split, I like the name

  3. Lickity Split, I like the name
