Friday, 27 May 2016

Boys are better cooks than Girls not true

Boy are better cooks than Girls

I Disagree because there are a lot of very famous girl cooks all around the world. The most famous girl cook is Padma Lakshmi. Julia child is 8th place in the best cooks of all time. Boys can be okay sometimes maybe but girls are better.

Who do you find in the kitchen most of the time? Well I don’t know about you but I either find my mum or my step mum cooking up a storm in my kitchen I bet yours is the same.

Have you ever noticed that you mum finds the kitchen to be her quiet place. My mum only lets me in it to either get a snack or a drink but appart from that it’s out of bounds.

I know that girls are better cooks than boys.  Girls are obviously better cooks than boys or why would they let the girls cook every night except for BBQ when all they have to do is move the meat by turning it over with tongs or a spatula. That’s the only time you see your dad cooking. The only things they can cook are sausages, burger patties and steak but that’s it. On the other hand girls can make lasagna, salads, soup, spaghetti bolognese and many more but it would take way too long to name them all.

Boys can’t even make sandwiches and that is why girls are better cooks than boys.            


  1. I like your story Jess. I disagree too

  2. I like your story Jess. I disagree too
